History of the Police Chiefs Association of Will County, a 501 (c)(3) organization
The Police Chiefs Association of Will County was organized in 1965. It is comprised of more than 170 of the county’s top law enforcement, retired police, and private sector executives. the Police Chiefs Association of Will County serves village, city, and county police departments, federal & state law enforcement agencies, college and university police, and private business and security firms. The Police Chiefs Association of Will County has members representing every region of the county.
The Association was originally organized to promote legislation that would enhance public security by providing superior police protection for the residents of Will County and its many visitors. Today, with the same goal, its role has expanded to provide better communication, education, and training not only for the county’s various police and security agencies but sponsored and opened several events to agencies statewide. Our members are frequently recognized by legislative leaders to provide insight into public safety issues and problems facing the criminal justice system. Police Chiefs Association of Will County facilitates the dissemination of information, provides continuing police training, and promotes a better understanding of the police profession in general.
The Police Chiefs Association of Will County has been involved in a number of philanthropic endeavors by supporting the Illinois Special Olympics Torch Run, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and the 100 Club, with time and monetary contributions. The Association established an annual scholarship for college students and hosts the annual Police Officer Memorial Service for police officers killed in the line of duty.
Through conferences, seminars, and special training courses, the Police Chiefs Association of Will County ensures the highest degree of preparedness and responsiveness among the state’s agencies and officers. The Association provides a forum through associate membership for sharing information on the latest crime-fighting strategies, tools, and techniques. By enhancing communications between agencies at all levels, the Association fosters the highest degree of police professionalism and competence.
Membership in the Police Chiefs Association of Will County supports and maintains the highest standards of public safety and police protection for the millions of people who live, work and play in Will County.